In 2013 a number of colleagues and I helped build a local following with a Bay Area Citrix User Group, which met regularly at the Citrix offices in Santa Clara. Our first meetup was on June 4th 2013 and we continued meeting regularly for almost a year. This was an awesome time with friends, coworkers, clients, and colleagues to help foster community and camaraderie for all those using and deploying Citrix technologies in the silicon valley and greater San Francisco Bay Area. Every time we gathered, it was like a mini-Synergy, an awesome time to share tips and tricks from the field.
After a short break, I’m happy to announce that under the new Citrix User Group Community (CUGC) structure, the Bay Area is at it again! If you haven’t already jumped in to the CUGC members only site, go check out and register for an account today!
It is with great joy and honor that I am excited to announce Citrix, a couple customers, coworkers, colleagues and I will be re-launching the Bay Area Citrix User Group Community (CUGC). A huge shoutout to everyone involved in kicking this off again, you know who you are! The first meetup scheduled is less than a month away, on June 27th 2018 from 5PM-8PM in San Jose. See below for more details and links to RSVP. Whether you can make it or not, be sure to tell a friend to keep the momentum building! I hope to see you there.

Bay Area Citrix User Group
Kickoff Meeting
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM PT
The Farmers Union
151 W. Santa Clara Street.
San Jose, CA 92126
Networking. Technical Content. Latest Updates.
Be in the know!
Click Here for Details and Registration
Network with Citrix Peers
Post-Citrix Synergy Updates
ControlUp Technical Presentation
CUGC Roundtable
Tasty Food & Great CUGC Giveaway!
$100 Amazon Gift Card

Sponsored Giveaway!
Amazon Echo
*End-User members can opt-in for sponsor giveaways during registration.
Free. Register today. Space is limited.
Registration guarantees your place at the meeting and your membership in the official Bay Area Citrix User Group Community.
Sponsored by

To receive e-mail notifications of events and activities in the future, sign up today for the Bay Area Citrix User Group Community.
Hope to see you there!
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